Author: Andy

December 11, 2010 Andy 0 Comments

Well actually, no. We’ve not moved to Barcelona itself, firstly it is too expensive for us at the moment, and secondly Espe’s Uni is way outside of the city. So we now call a place called Sabadell home, 20km north of Barcelona. The city / town itself is nothing to write home about, but the surrounding areas do at first glance appear quite special. With National Parks in every direction and the Pyrenees to the north I can think of worse bases. That said, however, with two impossible deadlines to meet I seem to have done very little apart from…

October 16, 2010 Andy 1 Comments

In desperation I email Bluehost, my previous hosting provider, begging and pleading for them to see if they could retrieve a backup. Not that long later, I got the following response: Dear Andy, Thank you for verifying the correct password information. We understand your concern and have good news. Accounts are actually deleted about 10 days past the expiration date. Since your account expired on 09/17/2010, it has not yet been deleted. We suggest logging into your account and renewing for 1 month. This will allow you to access your files and make proper backups. Thank you, Kimberlee Billing Specialist…

September 25, 2010 Andy 0 Comments

‘What about one of your previous backups?’ I hear you ask. Great idea I say. Trouble is, the most recent good backup I have, is dated October 3rd 2006. Bugger. Ok, what about Not great, but there are twenty versions of my site, mainly from 2007. That’s good, as that was when I was travelling the world and my site was getting most traffic (hence deemed it important enought to take an archive). Not ideal, but it is a good start. In steps Sash. A generation Y work colleague and someone who has a better grasp of Google…

September 25, 2010 Andy 0 Comments

I didn’t and now I’ve lost all of the content for, and Bollocks! Migrating from one hosting provider to another (in the interest of saving a few pennies) I failed to check the condition of the database downloads and get them installed on the new hosting server before the old account expired. Eight or so databases came down ok, but three didn’t, due to masses of spam filling up one table and breaking the download. Typically, the of those three damaged databases, one of them had to be Every blog entry from this site lost. All…

January 20, 2010 Andy 2 Comments

It has to be said, as can been seen from the frequency and quality of my posts of late, that maintaining this blog has become a bit of a chore. Gone are the days were Sun in a round about way paid me to write it. I do enjoy blogging, but with a couple of other sites to maintain and an often more than full time job I struggle to find the time or motivation. Rather excitingly, but not without a lot of stress, Espe and I have just bought a flat. We get the keys today. The move will…

January 17, 2010 Andy 1 Comments

The alarm goes off at 6:25 am, but this time it isn’t for the dreaded 7am Spinning Class… In terms of physical punishment though, what I’ve got ahead is far more tough than that. Getting up this time was easy though, as I was excited by the prospect of a two day, 155 mile ride from Bristol to London. I made my way down, somewhat clumsily, in the dark with both day pack and back pack, to Bristol Cathedral where I was greeted by a multitude of fluorescent jackets and the bright lights of a BBC TV crew. After registration…

December 22, 2009 Andy 1 Comments

To all the Drum and Bass MCs out there who insist on calling for the rewind at every possible opportunity… please stop it. The average DJ wants to take the punters on a journey, carefully selecting tracks, mixing, blending and teasing the crowd. The flow of a good set is ruined by incessant calls for rewinds. It really isn’t necessary. Granted, if the DJ drops and absolute stonker of a track, and the crowd is calling for it then, yes perhaps the rewind is justified. But not on every bloody track (once or twice per set should be the limit).…