Radio Silence

January 20, 2010 Andy 2 Comments

It has to be said, as can been seen from the frequency and quality of my posts of late, that maintaining this blog has become a bit of a chore. Gone are the days were Sun in a round about way paid me to write it. I do enjoy blogging, but with a couple of other sites to maintain and an often more than full time job I struggle to find the time or motivation.

Rather excitingly, but not without a lot of stress, Espe and I have just bought a flat. We get the keys today. The move will be quite a bit of work and the flat needs some attention, so the chances of me going near a computer out of work hours are pretty slim.

So there you have my excuse for the lack of posts over the next few months (and to think I still haven’t finished my Peru post yet…). For your viewing pleasure, and in and attempt to entice you to come and visit, here are a few pictures.

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