So there I was perusing a FaceBook paramotoring group when I spotted an instructor – that someone had recommended – tagging my old university house mate in some flying pictures. It dawned on me pretty much immediately that ParaMotoring is Chuck all over. I’ve not been in touch with Chuck for something like 12 years! Mainly because he’s crap at ever getting back to anyone, but admittedly I can’t lay all the blame with him. We got on very well back in our uni days, partly due to our joint love of the Simpsons, but more down to a techy / nerdy love of all things mechanical. Especially mechanical flying things.
Needless to say, I was super excited to get back in touch and have a catch up, and then I realised his 40th birthday was only a few days away. What better way to get reconnect than with a quick happy birthday call. Only problem, I didn’t have his number. Another old university friend came through there, with a 15 year old number. I gave it a try, and miraculously, it worked.
It was a great feeling to speak after so long, especially as the gesture of calling on his birthday was well appreciated. Now that I’m back in the UK again, its going to be easy to meet up so that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Lots has happened in the last 12 years, so it will be a mammoth catch up session and… he’s even threatened to throw me off a big hill with a large kite strapped to my torso.