And into Laos…

March 4, 2007 Andy 2 Comments

After 6 hours spent on two different buses in varying states of decay, we reached the Thai border town on Chiang Kong. From here it was a short hop across the border, and as it happens the river Mekong, into Laos via the slackest overland border crossing I’ve ever seen (EU doesn’t count).

With the plan of taking the slow boat down the Mekong to Luang Phrabang, we were up early the next day with the intention of securing good seats. We’d been warned in Umphang by an American couple about the boat for the two day trip being absolutely rammed with people crammed in on vertical backed wooden benches. They were right, most people were. Luckily we were first on board and took the comfy mini bus seats that were fitted towards the front of the boat… VIP style.

There is not much to tell about the journey really as all we did was slowly made our way down the river. The sights were impressive. Huge boulders in the river, mountains either side, local fishermen throwing in their nets, small villages tucked into the hillsides accessible only by the river, people sifting for gold on the river side and (most exciting / worrying of all) strange currents, whirlpools and rapids which didn’t seem to phase the large boat too much but often doubled our speed.

Apart from that I spent the time reading or conversing with other travelers. One chap, Paul, however deserves a mention. Not only due to his current lifestyle as and English teacher having worked in Poland and Tokyo over the last 6 years, but also because of his stunning likeness to Chris. Right down to his interest, jokes and mannerisms, he is Mr. Tingly reincarnated.

Despite the lack of comfort, being stuck in the same place for 6-9 hours each day, I would recommend the trip. As a tip though, either do it in the other direction to avoid the masses (upstream boats rarely had more than 10 passengers. Downstream, 100 upwards), or find a cargo boat and pay the captain to let you on board.

2 People reacted on this

  1. Ah, so you met my long-lost twin brother Paul! Sounds like a good-looking fellow indeed.

    Oh, and just for the record, it’s “Tingley” with an “e”! But any way you spell it it’s still a funny name, but it’s the one I’m stuck with.

    Keep having fun guys.


  2. While falling asleep the night after posting that, I had a thought that I’d spelt your name wrong. Thinking of you while falling asleep…. hmmm, a worrying thought indeed.

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